Mentorship Opportunities

We are currently recruiting mentors! Please see below for answers to frequently asked questions.

Most mentors for our students have gotten back so much more than what they give. If you want to learn more about this experience before committing, please click this link and someone from our PTECH staff will contact you to answer any of your questions:
How do I become a PTECH mentor?

P-TECH Mentor Recruitment Flyer

Completing the survey is the most important step!

    1. Fill out the PTECH mentor survey here.
    2. All mentors are required to have a background check on file at Baltimore City Schools in order to be a volunteer for PTECH (background checks from your employer do not count). Fingerprinting is required.
      Baltimore City Schools Fingerprint Form
    3. Send a copy of the background check confirmation recieved by postal mail to your home address to
    4. You will be contacted to schedule training; which will be in a webinar format and no more than 30 to 40 minutes long.
How do I pay for the background check?

PTECH mentors do not pay for the background check. Please provide the account number “MDB00V070” to cover the cost.

You can get your background check at the following location and times:

Baltimore City Public Schools Headquarters

Dates: Monday-Friday

Times: 8:30am to 3:00pm

Location: 200 North Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21202, Room 120- Employee Services

What are the PTECH Mentor Types?

Research Mentors: If you enjoy guided activities working in groups with students, other mentors, or if you are a researcher yourself, consider being a research mentor for our freshman class. All PTECH freshmen apply to submit a science project to the Junior Science and Humanities Symposium to identify their college-readiness. You’ll serve as a guide to help students with identifying research topics, planning, conducting research, and answering questions.

Academic Mentors: If you appreciate working one-on-one OR in groups with students of all grade levels, and have a good understanding of biology (college-level biology a plus), math, and/or language arts, consider being an academic mentor! High school students taking college-level courses have a lot of studying to do! We need energetic individuals who can serve as tutors and/or study guides/partners.

Professional Mentors: If you are a professional in a healthcare field who wants to support our upperclassmen as they work towards graduation, employment, and continuing their education in the health sciences, professional mentors are needed! Professional mentors help students build professional skills through face-to-face and electronic communication, workplace visits, shadowing opportunities, and providing career advice.

Nursing Mentors: Are you a nurse who wants to support our next generation of Nurses? As a part of the University of Maryland School of Nursing’s NSP-II grant, we are seeking nurse mentors to provide support to our students matriculating through the Nursing Associate degree program, our most challenging career path at PTECH. The goal? To have these students continue their edication and ultimately become the next generation of BSNs!
